13 Great Employee Recognition Tricks that Actually Work

Having employees who can execute and fulfill job requirements flawlessly is always the goal. Employees perform better when they know you appreciate their hard work. The straightforward act of acknowledging accomplishment improves employee morale and productivity. A great way to do this at scale is with an employee recognition program.

According to a survey, 91% of HR professionals think rewarding and recognizing employees leads to higher employee retention rates. When employees earn recognition for their accomplishments, it motivates them to put effort into the next project. They feel like an important part of the organization, perform better, and are more likely to stay longer. Employee recognition can also lead to reduced turnover rates and improved team culture.

Looking for tried-and-true examples of employee recognition? In this article, we’ll lay out great recognition methods that real companies use to increase employee engagement, performance, and retention.

What is Employee Recognition?

Employee recognition is the public appreciation of an employee for what they do and their achievements. Organizations use employee recognition to inspire employees and to reinforce desired behavior. You’ll be one step closer to realizing employees’ full potential if you routinely give them genuine, well-deserved praise.

Here are some great examples from some of the top companies that you can use as inspiration for your employee recognition initiative.

1. Employee Wellness Day at Buffer

Buffer is a mobile and web software designed to help you manage your social networks easily. At Buffer, employees are highly encourage to express their feelings. There is a big emphasis on authenticity and encouraging individuals to be their real selves. The company also offers free memberships to a health and wellbeing app, as well as access to online therapists. There is a strong focus on the prevention of illnesses, which has led to the creation of “Unsick Day.” 

2. Recognition Awards at Walt Disney

Walt Disney has over 100 employee awards, including public recognition and a Magic Backstage Sweepstakes program for workers who go above and beyond. Through this program, managers can nominate their hard working staff members who then qualify for a chance to win a free Disney trip or another big prize of comparable value.

Disney realizes the value of rewarding their most dedicated employees. Their awards program encourages other cast members and employees to uphold the company’s principles and give visitors a fantastic experience, ultimately attracting more guests.

3. Peer-to-Peer Recognition Programs Zappos

Peer-to-peer appreciation is a less common practice among employers, especially those who prefer the authoritative type of leadership. However, it’s considered one of the best methods to increase general recognition and develop a more inspiring, inclusive, and compassionate workplace culture.

Zappos upholds the practice and now has a scheme that encourages team players to reward each other with $50 for a successfully completed task. Zappos is a great example of how human resource departments may quickly adopt comparable peer-to-peer recognition systems within their businesses. You can also significantly improve morale and team spirit by developing a virtual or physical meeting place where your employees can exchange positive feedback or encouragement.

4. Continuous Employee Forums at GE Healthcare

Employees can experience confusion after unprecedented organizational changes. Some ay evenm worry about losing their jobs if the company’s management changes. Companies that appreciate their teams take advantage of this transitional period to incorporate acknowledgment into their corporate culture.

For instance, when GE Healthcare reorganized its production facility, employers stressed constant communication to speed up the process. As a result, the team established continuous employee forums where personnel could offer suggestions. Even after such a significant shift, GE gave its employees a sense of job security and value by acknowledging their ideas.

5. Public Recognition at Globalization Partners

Public recognition can create this  intrinsic urge to improve behavior. Regardless of whether a trophy or plaque is offered, most employees will put forth more effort when they get a public “thank you, ” especially to seem progressive after a public recognition. The Globalization Partners frequently post press releases about employees’ achievements on their blog. The company also features its employee promotion stories and makes the blog available to its staff and customers. 

6. Flexible Working Schedule at Apple

A work-life balance is essential for improving employee productivity. Those who successfully achieve a decent work-life balance are twice as happy. Ultimately, such employees become twice as likely to be dependable and effective. As a result, organizations that emphasize a positive work environment frequently offer flexible time-off policies.

For example, Apple frequently offers paid time off to its staff over the holiday season. The tech giant adapts this reward to thank employees from other countries who observe other holidays. This program’s consideration for its worldwide workforce shows the company’s dedication to perfecting its employee recognition strategy.

7. Maternal Leave at Netflix

Despite government efforts to offer parental leave to parents across the US, it’s still not mandatory for them to pay new parents on leave. Unless their employer offers an extended program, many new parents end up taking unpaid leave from work, or even leaving their jobs. Netflix is unique, however, since it offers birth and adoptive parents a full year of paid family leave. This type of employee recognition keeps more workers on board and draws in many applicants.

8. Career Growth and Development at Deloitte

Businesses might give employees the tools they need to succeed, but many fail to provide the support and mentorship needed to flourish. A more thorough learning program is necessary to identify and accommodate staff needs in this situation.

Deloitte, a tax consulting company, offers comprehensive leadership training covering various advancement options. It also offers career sponsorship and coaching, since they see these as essential elements of success.

9. “Thank You” Cards at E.On

Sometimes, your employees require a simple “thank you.” to stay motivated. For instance, the German utility firm E.On runs an employee recognition program that encourages managers and staff to send each other “thank-you” notes. The number of employees inspired by the program grew by 13%, while E.On’s staff motivation score rose by 8% in the months. 

10. Employee Recognition Awards at General Motors

Companies with a large international workforce and a strong recognition program require a unified platform to engage staff members successfully. The workforce can log in using unique credentials, view everyone’s accomplishments, and help each other succeed in the organization.

Recently, General Motors migrated to such a platform and saw a startling activation rate by its employees. Currently, 70% of the workforce takes part in the program, and most receive an award every month. The GM Recognition Program successfully fosters a culture of appreciation where employees can connect their behavior with corporate theory and values.

11. Online Employee Appreciation Platform at Meijer

Meijer recently adopted an online recognition platform to engage employees, foster a positive workplace culture, and reduce turnover. The company went beyond by developing the Meijer Wire app. This mobile-friendly technology makes recognition possible wherever employees are, even when they’re on the go.

Here, staff members can easily read company news and articles about their coworkers. Even if an app might seem overkill, for big businesses with dispersed locations, a mobile recognition solution might be the best method for communicating and showing appreciation to their employees.

12. Mandatory Paid Vacations at SevenRooms 

New hires receive a paid vacation before starting their roles at SevenRooms. The company provides new hires with two weeks of paid time off prior to their start date to help them unwind. It also requires its employees to take five consecutive days off twice a year. Management adheres to the principle of treating staff more like customers than assets.

13. Talent Development and Mentorship at Aflac

Aflac understands that its biggest competitive edge is its human capital. Therefore, the main objective of their programs is to assist the skill development and growth of all of their workers. The aspiration led to the development of the TEACH program, whose aim is to inspire and encourage staff members to pursue self-improvement while also giving them the chance to benefit from the knowledge and experiences of others. Employees can learn what they don’t know and teach what they do through the program.

Employee recognition matters.

Employee recognition will lead to a number of benefits for your organization. If you want to make your employees feel valued, you can try out some the strategies such as employee forums and promotions to communicating value and respect to employees. Employee appreciation will also play a huge role in their retention, which is largely reflected in the organizational culture and work environment.You care about your employees. Make sure they feel it. If you’re looking for a program to help you communicate to, engage, connect with, and follow up on your employee progress, try out the Refresh platform. Schedule your free demo today and learn the power of Refresh in 15 minutes or less.